Engineering and Environmental Services (Stormwater Management)

Report Illicit Discharge
Stormwater Management Program

The Lancaster County Stormwater Management program is a federally mandated program monitored by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.  It was created in 2017 in accordance with federal and state requirements relating to water quality. 

The Indian Land portion of Lancaster County is considered part of the Charlotte Urbanized Area.  The explosive growth of this area has led to an increase in polluted stormwater runoff making its way into our local waterways.  The Stormwater Management Department's goal is to reduce the amount of polluted runoff.  This is accomplished by educating the public, monitoring all new construction sites, monitoring existing residential developments and businesses, and using of best management practices in County operations. 

Department Directory

Main Desk 803-286-3607
Terrance Barr, Director 803-548-2407
Angela Crockett, Deputy Director 803-286-3610
Stephen Blackwelder, Env. Compliance Mgr.  803-548-2406
Andy Rowe, Senior Env. Inspector 803-548-2430
Christina Stalnaker, Env. Inspector 803-548-2405
Jaren Watts, Env. Inspector  803-548-2406
Joyce Mullis, Administrative Asst.  803-548-2404
Elizabeth Evans, Env. Outreach 803-283-0526

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What is Stormwater Management?  

Stormwater Management is the process of controlling the runoff from precipitation (rain or snow) that flows off of impervious surfaces like parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and rooftops.  If left unchecked, stormwater flows from these hard surfaces to streets, gutters, and storm drains, where the untreated runoff flows directly into nearby waterways.  

Stormwater runoff does not go to a treatment plant before discharging into the area's receiving waters.  So it will carry pollutants like motor oil, pet waste, fertilizers, pesticides, grass clippings, leaves, litter, and sediment into nearby waterways.  All of these are pollutants that negatively impact the water quality of our rivers, streams, creeks, and ponds. 

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